Simulated Engagements - May 3
Saturday May 3, 2025
Note: Registration closes on April 28th
Simulated Engagements $295
Course fee includes training equipment and ammunitiion.
Range Fees are an additional $20
You carry a gun for self-defense! You train safe gun handling, marksmanship, and tactics. While these are important skills to maintain, you can only speculate what you might really do in a real life encounter. Simulated Encounters or ‘Reality Based Training’ bridges the gap from range to reality. Experience what you might do in a safe training environment where you can be critiqued, coached, and even get a ‘do-over’.
Saturday May 3, 2025
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
ETTS Range - Waxahachie, Tx
Student Pre-Requisite – none
Simulated Engagements includes an Academic Review of use of force laws, and Reality Based Training drills and mini scenarios.
Academic Review - We briefly review laws justifying the use of deadly force in self-defense. Hypothetical situations based on current events will be posed to prime decisions making for the upcoming simulations. An insider’s view on your need to deconflict a Police response will be presented.
RBT - Reality Based Training This training is intended to bridge the significant gap between range training and realistic encounters. The equipment is crucial to this type of training, but the structure of the exercises is equally important. Poorly designed scenarios can be counterproductive. Your session will be as structured using a sound training progression. Skills in isolation lead to drills, and then mini scenarios.
Aimed Fire - Putting your sights on a living human and pressing the trigger is a challenging context shift for most. Often people resort to the unaimed fire in their first actual shooting. Likewise, most resort to unaimed fire during their initial RBT encounters. After only a few repetitions, the mind can transfer the static range skill of aiming to the new realistic context.
Threat Identification While often neglected in most firearms training, this has always been integral in my classes. As beneficial as threat ID targets are in firearms training, live actors provide realism paper simply cannot.
RBT Exercises
Micro Drill #1 -
Interleaving Cover, Positive Threat Identification, and Sighted Fire on a Solo Actor.
Micro Drill #2 -
Interleaving Cover, Positive Threat Identification, and Sighted Fire among multiple Actors.
Mini Scenarios –
Crowded Room RBT - Active Shooter Scenario -
Innocent By-Standers, Angles of Engagement, Threat ID, Marksmanship. The culmination drill from Engaging in Crowds comes to life.
Armed Citizen Encounters - Problem Solving unknown situations.
RBT SAFETY PROTOCOLS - The difference between training and tragedy!
You will receive a priming video and detailed guidelines before class.
RBT safety protocols are strictly followed without exception. This will be covered in the pre-class video and RBT Safety Brief.
For the safety of all concerned, anyone refusing to comly with these rules will be removed from training without a refund.
No Student Weapons of any kind allowed in the training area.
They remain in your car. You will park at our bay but not in the designated training area.
No firearms, ammo, magazines, knives, batons, sprays, nor any other weapons are allowed in the training area. You will not be training with your firearm. It must be left in your car. All participants will be searched multiple times before entering the training area. All props will be searched. The training gear I provide will be inspected and demonstrated as converted training gear prior to entry into the training area. No one can leave the training area and re-enter without repeating the search procedures. There are no exceptions.
I provide all training weapons and ammunition.
Personal Protective Equipment
I furnish complete head gear / face masks and groin protection.
Students must bring gloves and clothing as described below:
During the ‘force on force’ scenarios, students must be dressed so that there is no exposed skin. Two layers of clothing, with the outer layer loose is best. If the garment drapes, it better absorbs the impact of the NLTA (non-lethal training ammo). Females should wear soft body armor which I will provide. It is essential students follow these guidelines and bring the required extra clothing. The outer layer of clothing should be easily removable in hot weather for breaks.
No Exposed Skin is a vital rule. The marking projectiles sting a bit similar to paintball. Exposed skin will be broken by training rounds and the rounds can enter the skin. You must have adequate clothing to protect yourself from injury from the marking projectiles. Gloves are essential and thicker is better since the backs of fingers routinely get shot!
Note – The marking rounds are not paint, but wax. Warm water is supposed to remove it, but my training clothes have a Jackson Pollock look. I recommend training in clothing you don’t mind staying marked up.
Safe weapons handling is more important than your marksmanship skills.
Attendees exhibiting unsafe weapons handling will be removed from training without a refund.
The ETTS Waiver must be competed online prior to arrival.
Range Location
ETTS - Extreme Tactics and Training Solutions
620 Greathouse Rd. Waxahachie, Tx 75167
Student Equipment List
Sturdy Belt
*Optional - Concealed Carry or Duty Holster for Glock 19*
Eye Protection
Clothing Suitable for Weather Outdoors
Protective Clothing as Described Above
Snacks, Water & comfort items (bug spray, sun block, chair etc.)
Bring extra clothing to wear over what you wear to class. This should be removeable for comfort in heat while on breaks. When dressed for RBT exercises, there can be no exposed skin. Double layers with a loose outer layer are best. The marking compound may not wash out. Gloves are essential and should have extra padding on the back.
Head gear / face shields will be supplied.
Training guns are Glock models 19 and 45, so you may use your own Glock holster for the RBT session.
Group 6 Supplied Equipment
Reality Based Training Guns and Ammo supplied.
Training Props
Face and Head Gear provided.
Range Fee - $20
ETTS is an outdoor range in the elements. The ground is dirt and can get muddy when it rains, please be aware of the weather when dressing. Bring comfort items like sunscreen, bug spray, portable chairs, and for longer training, food or snacks.
Safety Policy
Conditioning safe shooters is a mission we take very seriously. Safety is important during training to avoid accidents, but safe weapons handling must be conditioned for it to become habitual under stress. Each class or lesson begins with a safety brief to establish expectations and consequences for unsafe behavior. Minor violations are common in the beginning and will be remediated. Major violations can result in termination of training or removal from group classes.
Saturday May 3, 2025
Note: Registration closes on April 28th
Simulated Engagements $295
Course fee includes training equipment and ammunitiion.
Range Fees are an additional $20
You carry a gun for self-defense! You train safe gun handling, marksmanship, and tactics. While these are important skills to maintain, you can only speculate what you might really do in a real life encounter. Simulated Encounters or ‘Reality Based Training’ bridges the gap from range to reality. Experience what you might do in a safe training environment where you can be critiqued, coached, and even get a ‘do-over’.
Saturday May 3, 2025
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
ETTS Range - Waxahachie, Tx
Student Pre-Requisite – none
Simulated Engagements includes an Academic Review of use of force laws, and Reality Based Training drills and mini scenarios.
Academic Review - We briefly review laws justifying the use of deadly force in self-defense. Hypothetical situations based on current events will be posed to prime decisions making for the upcoming simulations. An insider’s view on your need to deconflict a Police response will be presented.
RBT - Reality Based Training This training is intended to bridge the significant gap between range training and realistic encounters. The equipment is crucial to this type of training, but the structure of the exercises is equally important. Poorly designed scenarios can be counterproductive. Your session will be as structured using a sound training progression. Skills in isolation lead to drills, and then mini scenarios.
Aimed Fire - Putting your sights on a living human and pressing the trigger is a challenging context shift for most. Often people resort to the unaimed fire in their first actual shooting. Likewise, most resort to unaimed fire during their initial RBT encounters. After only a few repetitions, the mind can transfer the static range skill of aiming to the new realistic context.
Threat Identification While often neglected in most firearms training, this has always been integral in my classes. As beneficial as threat ID targets are in firearms training, live actors provide realism paper simply cannot.
RBT Exercises
Micro Drill #1 -
Interleaving Cover, Positive Threat Identification, and Sighted Fire on a Solo Actor.
Micro Drill #2 -
Interleaving Cover, Positive Threat Identification, and Sighted Fire among multiple Actors.
Mini Scenarios –
Crowded Room RBT - Active Shooter Scenario -
Innocent By-Standers, Angles of Engagement, Threat ID, Marksmanship. The culmination drill from Engaging in Crowds comes to life.
Armed Citizen Encounters - Problem Solving unknown situations.
RBT SAFETY PROTOCOLS - The difference between training and tragedy!
You will receive a priming video and detailed guidelines before class.
RBT safety protocols are strictly followed without exception. This will be covered in the pre-class video and RBT Safety Brief.
For the safety of all concerned, anyone refusing to comly with these rules will be removed from training without a refund.
No Student Weapons of any kind allowed in the training area.
They remain in your car. You will park at our bay but not in the designated training area.
No firearms, ammo, magazines, knives, batons, sprays, nor any other weapons are allowed in the training area. You will not be training with your firearm. It must be left in your car. All participants will be searched multiple times before entering the training area. All props will be searched. The training gear I provide will be inspected and demonstrated as converted training gear prior to entry into the training area. No one can leave the training area and re-enter without repeating the search procedures. There are no exceptions.
I provide all training weapons and ammunition.
Personal Protective Equipment
I furnish complete head gear / face masks and groin protection.
Students must bring gloves and clothing as described below:
During the ‘force on force’ scenarios, students must be dressed so that there is no exposed skin. Two layers of clothing, with the outer layer loose is best. If the garment drapes, it better absorbs the impact of the NLTA (non-lethal training ammo). Females should wear soft body armor which I will provide. It is essential students follow these guidelines and bring the required extra clothing. The outer layer of clothing should be easily removable in hot weather for breaks.
No Exposed Skin is a vital rule. The marking projectiles sting a bit similar to paintball. Exposed skin will be broken by training rounds and the rounds can enter the skin. You must have adequate clothing to protect yourself from injury from the marking projectiles. Gloves are essential and thicker is better since the backs of fingers routinely get shot!
Note – The marking rounds are not paint, but wax. Warm water is supposed to remove it, but my training clothes have a Jackson Pollock look. I recommend training in clothing you don’t mind staying marked up.
Safe weapons handling is more important than your marksmanship skills.
Attendees exhibiting unsafe weapons handling will be removed from training without a refund.
The ETTS Waiver must be competed online prior to arrival.
Range Location
ETTS - Extreme Tactics and Training Solutions
620 Greathouse Rd. Waxahachie, Tx 75167
Student Equipment List
Sturdy Belt
*Optional - Concealed Carry or Duty Holster for Glock 19*
Eye Protection
Clothing Suitable for Weather Outdoors
Protective Clothing as Described Above
Snacks, Water & comfort items (bug spray, sun block, chair etc.)
Bring extra clothing to wear over what you wear to class. This should be removeable for comfort in heat while on breaks. When dressed for RBT exercises, there can be no exposed skin. Double layers with a loose outer layer are best. The marking compound may not wash out. Gloves are essential and should have extra padding on the back.
Head gear / face shields will be supplied.
Training guns are Glock models 19 and 45, so you may use your own Glock holster for the RBT session.
Group 6 Supplied Equipment
Reality Based Training Guns and Ammo supplied.
Training Props
Face and Head Gear provided.
Range Fee - $20
ETTS is an outdoor range in the elements. The ground is dirt and can get muddy when it rains, please be aware of the weather when dressing. Bring comfort items like sunscreen, bug spray, portable chairs, and for longer training, food or snacks.
Safety Policy
Conditioning safe shooters is a mission we take very seriously. Safety is important during training to avoid accidents, but safe weapons handling must be conditioned for it to become habitual under stress. Each class or lesson begins with a safety brief to establish expectations and consequences for unsafe behavior. Minor violations are common in the beginning and will be remediated. Major violations can result in termination of training or removal from group classes.
Saturday May 3, 2025
Note: Registration closes on April 28th
Simulated Engagements $295
Course fee includes training equipment and ammunitiion.
Range Fees are an additional $20
You carry a gun for self-defense! You train safe gun handling, marksmanship, and tactics. While these are important skills to maintain, you can only speculate what you might really do in a real life encounter. Simulated Encounters or ‘Reality Based Training’ bridges the gap from range to reality. Experience what you might do in a safe training environment where you can be critiqued, coached, and even get a ‘do-over’.
Saturday May 3, 2025
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
ETTS Range - Waxahachie, Tx
Student Pre-Requisite – none
Simulated Engagements includes an Academic Review of use of force laws, and Reality Based Training drills and mini scenarios.
Academic Review - We briefly review laws justifying the use of deadly force in self-defense. Hypothetical situations based on current events will be posed to prime decisions making for the upcoming simulations. An insider’s view on your need to deconflict a Police response will be presented.
RBT - Reality Based Training This training is intended to bridge the significant gap between range training and realistic encounters. The equipment is crucial to this type of training, but the structure of the exercises is equally important. Poorly designed scenarios can be counterproductive. Your session will be as structured using a sound training progression. Skills in isolation lead to drills, and then mini scenarios.
Aimed Fire - Putting your sights on a living human and pressing the trigger is a challenging context shift for most. Often people resort to the unaimed fire in their first actual shooting. Likewise, most resort to unaimed fire during their initial RBT encounters. After only a few repetitions, the mind can transfer the static range skill of aiming to the new realistic context.
Threat Identification While often neglected in most firearms training, this has always been integral in my classes. As beneficial as threat ID targets are in firearms training, live actors provide realism paper simply cannot.
RBT Exercises
Micro Drill #1 -
Interleaving Cover, Positive Threat Identification, and Sighted Fire on a Solo Actor.
Micro Drill #2 -
Interleaving Cover, Positive Threat Identification, and Sighted Fire among multiple Actors.
Mini Scenarios –
Crowded Room RBT - Active Shooter Scenario -
Innocent By-Standers, Angles of Engagement, Threat ID, Marksmanship. The culmination drill from Engaging in Crowds comes to life.
Armed Citizen Encounters - Problem Solving unknown situations.
RBT SAFETY PROTOCOLS - The difference between training and tragedy!
You will receive a priming video and detailed guidelines before class.
RBT safety protocols are strictly followed without exception. This will be covered in the pre-class video and RBT Safety Brief.
For the safety of all concerned, anyone refusing to comly with these rules will be removed from training without a refund.
No Student Weapons of any kind allowed in the training area.
They remain in your car. You will park at our bay but not in the designated training area.
No firearms, ammo, magazines, knives, batons, sprays, nor any other weapons are allowed in the training area. You will not be training with your firearm. It must be left in your car. All participants will be searched multiple times before entering the training area. All props will be searched. The training gear I provide will be inspected and demonstrated as converted training gear prior to entry into the training area. No one can leave the training area and re-enter without repeating the search procedures. There are no exceptions.
I provide all training weapons and ammunition.
Personal Protective Equipment
I furnish complete head gear / face masks and groin protection.
Students must bring gloves and clothing as described below:
During the ‘force on force’ scenarios, students must be dressed so that there is no exposed skin. Two layers of clothing, with the outer layer loose is best. If the garment drapes, it better absorbs the impact of the NLTA (non-lethal training ammo). Females should wear soft body armor which I will provide. It is essential students follow these guidelines and bring the required extra clothing. The outer layer of clothing should be easily removable in hot weather for breaks.
No Exposed Skin is a vital rule. The marking projectiles sting a bit similar to paintball. Exposed skin will be broken by training rounds and the rounds can enter the skin. You must have adequate clothing to protect yourself from injury from the marking projectiles. Gloves are essential and thicker is better since the backs of fingers routinely get shot!
Note – The marking rounds are not paint, but wax. Warm water is supposed to remove it, but my training clothes have a Jackson Pollock look. I recommend training in clothing you don’t mind staying marked up.
Safe weapons handling is more important than your marksmanship skills.
Attendees exhibiting unsafe weapons handling will be removed from training without a refund.
The ETTS Waiver must be competed online prior to arrival.
Range Location
ETTS - Extreme Tactics and Training Solutions
620 Greathouse Rd. Waxahachie, Tx 75167
Student Equipment List
Sturdy Belt
*Optional - Concealed Carry or Duty Holster for Glock 19*
Eye Protection
Clothing Suitable for Weather Outdoors
Protective Clothing as Described Above
Snacks, Water & comfort items (bug spray, sun block, chair etc.)
Bring extra clothing to wear over what you wear to class. This should be removeable for comfort in heat while on breaks. When dressed for RBT exercises, there can be no exposed skin. Double layers with a loose outer layer are best. The marking compound may not wash out. Gloves are essential and should have extra padding on the back.
Head gear / face shields will be supplied.
Training guns are Glock models 19 and 45, so you may use your own Glock holster for the RBT session.
Group 6 Supplied Equipment
Reality Based Training Guns and Ammo supplied.
Training Props
Face and Head Gear provided.
Range Fee - $20
ETTS is an outdoor range in the elements. The ground is dirt and can get muddy when it rains, please be aware of the weather when dressing. Bring comfort items like sunscreen, bug spray, portable chairs, and for longer training, food or snacks.
Safety Policy
Conditioning safe shooters is a mission we take very seriously. Safety is important during training to avoid accidents, but safe weapons handling must be conditioned for it to become habitual under stress. Each class or lesson begins with a safety brief to establish expectations and consequences for unsafe behavior. Minor violations are common in the beginning and will be remediated. Major violations can result in termination of training or removal from group classes.