The time is yours to learn the skills to make you a better shooter. Presented by an experienced and patient instructor, using the latest teaching methods available.
Private Lessons
$100 / hour - Weekdays Only
Private Lessons are suitable for shooters of all skill levels. Students who have never shot a firearm before are common and welcome. Handguns can be provided, and first-time shooters benefit from learning to shoot before they shop for their first gun. All shooters will learn the importance of conditioning safe weapons handling both on and off the range. Marksmanship fundamentals are presented using industry leading techniques which consistently yield proven results. Techniques presented are compatible with behavioral responses under stress.
Indoor lessons are held at Shoot Smart in Grand Prairie. The location is convenient and independent of weather. The space is suitable for teaching one or two students, but only one may shoot at a time. For holsters work, shotguns, rifles, movement, tactics, longer sessions, or multiple shooters, the outdoor range is the better venue. Outdoor training is held at ETTS Range in Waxahachie, TX.
The rate for Private Lessons is $100 per hour and covers one or two students. There is a 2-hour minimum for indoor training and a 3-hour minimum for outdoor training. Range fees and ammunition are not included in our rates. Currently range fees are $25 each. If locating ammo is difficult, contact us. For families and small groups, each additional student (above two) adds $25 to the hourly rate.
For students who are also taking an LTC class with us, the shooting proficiency test can be taken at the lesson and documented for DPS. Students doing this will not have to shoot the test again on the day of the classroom. Holsters are not required for handgun fundamentals.
Range Locations
Shoot Smart (Indoor)
2440 W. Main St.
Grand Prairie, TX
75050ETTS Outdoor Range
Extreme Tactics & Training Solutions
620 Greathouse Rd.
Waxahachie, TX
Required Equipment
Hearing and Eye Protection
Handgun, and Spare Magazines
50 rounds of ammo per student per hour
Holster - for drawing and tactical training
Holsters requirements - made for your model of handgun, rigid when the gun is drawn, and cover the trigger guard. Serpa holsters are discouraged.
Sturdy belt to support the holster.
Range Information
ETTS is an outdoor range in the elements. The ground is dirt / gravel and can get muddy when it rains. Please dress for the weather and conditions. There is a porta-potty but no store. Bring any desired comfort items like sunscreen, bug spray, portable chairs, and for longer training, food or snacks.
Safety Policy
Conditioning safe shooters is a mission we take very seriously. Safety is important during training to avoid accidents, but safe weapons handling must be conditioned for it become habitual under stress. Each class or lesson begins with a safety brief to establish expectations and consequences for unsafe behavior. Minor violations are common in the beginning and will be remediated. Major violations can result in termination of training or removal from group classes without a refund.